LIFE- When Adversity knocks

LIFE- When Adversity knocks

Adversity a difficult situation in which you have a lot of problems that seems to handle it difficult and unbearable. As Adversity is affected to each and everyone in certain point through out there life. Handling adversity plays an important role in everyone’s life. Adversity may be of different types physical Adversity, mental adversity, emotional adversity, social adversity, spiritual Adversity, Financial adversity, Family Adversity.

Difficult situation, troubles comes in different ways. But our troubles don’t define us. However the way we handle them does. It is not adversity that defines who we are but the reaction to adversity that determines ones nature and it is true that when the adversity comes for first time in our life, we may react oddly or try to avoid or reject that adversity. But don’t worry whatever may be the situation that comes once ,twice or few times .Tough time don’t lasts ,only we have to change our mind set. We have to plan how to handle the situation in better way.

Adversity can be handled differently by different peoples.  To explain this I will say one instance (memory of mine)when I was a small and going to school, teachers were slapping us if we don’t answer the question or if we don’t do homework and the responses of student for slaps were different.

Chart showing responses of students 

Now you have to decide which type of student you want to become.


In life, challenges comes in many ways, but the only thing that truly matters is how you choose to react to it and what you make out of it that is something interesting and rarest. Life is all about learning, adopting and converting all the struggles that we experience into something positive. “The ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moment of comfort and convenience but where he stands at the time of challenge and controversy.”



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