120 average questions with shortcut trick (part 3)

17) If the Average of 6 observations is 42 and another 6 observation is 45 Find the Average of all 12 observations?

18) Average of x observation is 30, Average of x other observation is 33 and average of remaining x observation is 42.What is the Average of all the observation?

19) If the Average of 6 students is 50kg, that of 2 students is 51kg and that of other 2 student is 55 kg then the average weight of all student is?

20) The Average of 3 sections of a class of 55, 60, 45 students is 50, 55, 60.Then the average marks of all the student is?

21)The Average of x number is Y and the average of y number is x. Then the average of all the number taken together is?

22) The Average of x number is Y2 and the average of y number is x2. Then the average of all the number taken together is?

23) The average of 30 numbers is 40 and that of other 40 number is 30 the average .The Average of all the number is?

24) The average income of 40 person is 6000 and that of another 45 person is 6600. The Average income of whole group is ?



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