Buddha's quote in brief(short story)

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.


There were two student in the class, One was filled with positive thought that I can do it and another was filled with negative thoughts that I can’t do it. The capacity of both of them were same.But because of these thinking there performance in the class was different. One was performing well while other was not. Through this instance one must think that what you think you become.

 In the same way As you start to focus more on positive thoughts consciously you will start to feel better about yourself. The more positive thought you have about yourself and the world, the more confident and happy you feel and become. This confident and happiness radiates out to everyone who comes in your life and you quickly notice that your attracting new people into your life.

Similarly when you start to imagine that I can do this product or project or any model or about your dream job repeatedly for few days ,it becomes a mental exercise.  This exercise is like planting seeds that will flower into fruition when watered regularly. Using the power of your mind, connect with your inner imaginative child and create the world of your dreams.

You have so much to give to the world. Overcome those thoughts that are holding you back and start focusing on what you want for yourself and in doing so, happiness will come to your life.


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