LIFE-Guide To Overcome Problem And Worrying

Everyone in this world has their own problem .But Most of them think about their problem and suffer a lot mentally by themselves by remembering and worrying about the same problem. Problem and worry is related to each other .Instead of worrying to your problem ask four question to yourself so that you can realize how you have wasted your precious time only by worrying about your problem.

If your answer is yes then go on...

If your answer is No then what is the use of worrying about your problem. Try to change your mind, start to think differently, Keep yourself always busy, by working in your interested field .maintain a good hobby such as reading books that you feel happy or watching comedy scenes etc. Normally there are three solution to every problem, accept it, change it, or leave it .If you can’t accept it, change it .If you can’t change it Leave it.

Therefore doesn’t worry about your problem, only try to get solution for that. If there is no solution don’t worry .what is the use of worrying; only you get tension. Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles. It takes away only today’s peace. Instead of that leave that problem as it is, time will provide you solution. Time and circumstance can change at any time .Don’t degrade yourself by your thinking. Your mind is not a dustbin to keep Anger, Tension or Sad moments. But it is a treasure box to keep love, happiness and sweet memories.

Be happy and stay healthy


  1. Nice article madam.. .
    We expect more such articles from u. .. Thank you

  2. How can you write such kind of articles..


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